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Fuel efficient stoves

Monday 7 May was the day when a truckload of 100 fuel efficient stoves hit Sitima and with them came Arthur and Tony who not only taught a group of 26 how to use the stoves but also spent time with them talking about climate change and the efforts that each individual can make within their own communities to minimise the effect of their actions.

The stoves have been independently tested and are reported to be 57% fuel efficient, thereby using less than half the amount of wood fuel usually used.

Here in Malawi everyone is acutely aware of the changes in weather patterns attributed to climate change and it is a subject on the agenda of all schools, community and faith groups. People see it as their responsibility to focus on reducing the devasting effects that they have experienced in the last few years with droughts, floods and totally unpredictable weather.

Does anyone have a hotline to Trump?

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