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Mangos cause broken arms, fact or fiction?

Definitely fact. Whichever school I go into I see one or more boys sporting a plaster cast on their arm. I ask them a one word question “Mangos?” To which I always receive an affirmative nod.

Mangos are coming to the end of the season here and the children think nothing of clambering up high into a tree to release a large juicy one. Unfortunately for many the tree lets go of them as well.

Mangos have been plentiful since I arrived early in November, the smaller varieties at first and then the larger varieties. They are coming to the end of the season now and the joys of that delicate perfumed fruit will once more be forgotten until next October. I am quite enjoying my diet being affected by seasonal fruits and am positively drooling as I watch the avocados ripen on the tree as soon they will be almost as plentiful as the mangos have been.

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