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A newspaper article

Today, it was really good to see an article on my April visit to N4BW in Sitima in the October 17 edition of Lancaster Voice, the diocesan newspaper. Most exciting for me was the photo showing the water tanks with N4BW written all over them. This photo draws the readers attention to this very small yet committed and dynamic charity working in Sitima in Malawi.

N4BW aims to reach the most marginalised, poorest families providing sustainable, long term, routes out of that de-humanising and avoidable poverty. N4BW does this through: community health education, distribution of life enhancing items, improvement of primary school standards, action on primary school attendance, micro-business schemes, micro environmental/agro schemes - and other projects which the trustees agree meet the objective.

N4BW is currently updating its website along with a new logo so if you log on and have difficulties please come back in a week or two when we are hoping the new website will become live.

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